- Canned food is an excellent way to encourage water consumption, because it is high in water content and most cats love the taste. It can be warmed up in the microwave to enhance its smell. We recommend feeding canned food one or two times a day in addition to freely fed dry food. You can also add water to the canned food.
- If your cat prefers to drink from a tap, make sure she can always get to the tap-don’t lock her out of the bathroom if that is where she likes to drink. If your schedule permits, turn the tap on for your cat as often as possible throughout the day.Do not allow your cat (or dog) to drink from the toilet-chemical residue can be toxic!Water fountains can be purchased for cats that like fresh flowing water
- Provide fresh water every day. Cats are very aware of the temperature and taste of water.
- Make sure the water bowl is filled to the brim at all times. Cats have very sensitive whiskers and do not like putting their face into a bowl; a wider bowl may be necessary.
- Some cats do not like the taste of tap water. You might wish to try:
- Refrigerating the tap water to improve its taste
- Filtered water (Brita or Pur home filters are widely available)
- Distilled waterd.Bottled water
- Bottled water
- Some cats will drink more water if a drop or two of tuna juice is added. If you try this, always make sure a separate bowl of fresh water is available. You can try adding clam juice instead of tuna.
- Some cats enjoy ice cubes made from flavored broth. You can make a broth by simmering 6 oz of tuna or salmon mixed with 2 cups of water for 10 minutes.Strain the mixture through cheesecloth and pour into ice cube trays.
- Keep the food and water bowls away from litter box areas.
- Keep the water bowl clean. Cats have a keen sense of smell and are easily turned off by odors on the edge of the bowl. Stainless steel or glass dishes are easier to keep clean and odor free vs. plastic dishes. Some cats seem to prefer a clear shallow glass bowl from which to drink. Experiment with different water bowls.Water bowls should be washed daily.
- If your cat tends to tip the water bowl over, weigh down the bowl by placing a large stone that has been thoroughly washed into it, or try a commercially available weighted or tip-free bowl.