Several years ago we were looking into the possibility of owning our own location instead of renting. There was a space available just east of here in a complex called Parkaire Commons. We were inside the building looking around when right outside the window of the first room was a big, black and white tuxedo cat! It was like a sign that it was meant to be!
Dr Globerman quickly went back to the office to get a carrier and microchip scanner. The kitty had a microchip and the owner’s address was right around the corner! But the house was vacant, and no one answered the phone numbers linked to the microchip account. So, we named him Parker and brought him back to PWC.
Parker was the first cat that our clinic cat at the time, Davis, didn’t try to attack. Davis didn’t even hiss or growl. In fact, Davis was curious and interested in who this fine looking, “well dressed” cat was! This meant that not only could Parker stay and become part of our PWC family, but he was going to be the cat that transformed Davis from an aggressive, feisty hoodlum into a well adjusted cat!
Never before had Davis behaved normally around any other cat; he only wanted to violently attack them. Parker changed Davis instantly and magically. Pretty much from the moment they met, Davis was normal around all other cats. It was as if Parker became Davis’ role model that changed his world forever. Overnight, Parker tamed Davis’ inner beast after we had been trying to do so for a year. Parker was a miracle worker!
Parker and Davis now tear it up on a daily basis: chasing, wrestling and play fighting the way mature males like and need to. Without this normal outlet, Davis would still be biting us on a daily basis! So thank you Parker for socializing our little hellion!
Parker has also become the faithful front office assistant. He is very helpful with greeting clients, helping them be checked in and out, and making sure that nothing stays on the reception desk! He has perfected the art of “attention seeking behaviors” by regularly knocking anything he can onto the floor. We have learned that we cannot have a wireless mouse and we must hide the stapler!
Parker has also become our clinic demo cat. With polite reluctance, he lets us show clients how to give medications, injections and fluids to him so that they may do so to their cat at home. So not only has Parker helped Davis, he has helped many other cats as well!
Parker has also earned the title of “Master Forager” and tests out any new food puzzles that we discover and decide to stock for retail sale. He has a distinct love for carbs!
We are very thankful that we found Parker and have him as part of the PWC team. While clearly it wasn’t meant to be that we buy that building; it was meant to be that this very friendly, handsome cat becomes part of our family!